“You make the mistake of thinking that it’s easy..

“You make the mistake of thinking that it is easy.”

I heard the Lord say this to me as I reflected on people who I saw as successful people. I was reflecting on how there were some people who I had the privilege to know in person or had been following online that seem to have “it” all figured out within the same 24 hours that I get in a day. If I assess what any of these people are doing at face value it can seem as though their success came with ease and over night. They just do what they do, love what they do, have the financial means to do it and do it all with ease. But the truth is, I actually really do not know that to be fact. I am just assuming that based on the way it LOOKS.

The reality is - I have no idea what it cost any of these successful people to get to where they are today. I actually do not even know if they are “successful” or just getting by.  I did not witness the sweat, tears, trials, mistakes, humiliation, injury, stress, or struggle. I am simply looking at the outcome and assuming that they got to where they are from one day to the next. The trouble with that sort of thinking is not just that it is false, but also unattainable. Humans are always in a rush to get to where they want to be but we do not want the process. We do not want what it costs in the refining process. We want what comes out of the fire while forgoing the getting into the fire part. 

I see it all of the time in fitness, people want the results yesterday - without putting in the work or the effort to get there. It is why so many of these “quick fix” companies and coaches are thriving…because many are ignorant and looking to avoid the difficulty of the process. We do not want the struggles of what it takes to actually have sustainable health year over year. If we can cut 100lbs in 3-6 months we will do it, even if it is actually more harmful to us and impossible to keep up with over time. We will take that over cutting 150lbs (and keeping it off) while putting on lean muscle, getting off of medications, and eating nutritious foods over 5 years. 

So why was the Lord correcting me? 

He was correcting me because I was forgetting about the process. I was growing weary in well doing because it felt like I was getting nowhere. I was forgetting about the refining and improving year over year. I was ignoring the fact that in order for me to succeed in what I do I must put in the work to get there and it's not with short bursts of inconsistent effort. It is SHOWING UP and going through the process every single day until I die.

Can you imagine if we had the ability to just shut our eyes and open them up on the day we reached success…how many years of our lives would we have voluntarily given up just to hurry up and get there? How many of us would have opened up our eyes only to see that we are on our death bed? How many of us would have never opened our eyes at all? Could you imagine all of the things that we would have missed out on simply because we want to hurry up and get there.

Where even is THERE ?

I know that it has been hard.

I know that it seems as though every day is the same, nothing is getting better, but you know that there is more. 

I know that some days you really just don't want to show up.

I know that there are parts of this process that absolutely SUCK.

I know it feels like the process will never end…and the truth is…that it won’t.

I have been pursuing my health for the past 7 years. I have had great years and not so great years, but I never fully stopped. I have learned more about myself over the last 7 years than I ever had before. I found ME in between the sweat, tears, and better choices. My children have watched me and teased me for eating so many vegetables. They tell me that I will turn into a carrot someday. Either way, they will remember. I have not once regretted taking on this health journey. It has taken YEARS to figure it out - but now that I have the foundation that I was missing in 2018, it can only continue to improve from here. 

Like many of you - I wanted to rush this process so bad. I have YET to hit my “goal weight”from 2018 and I am GRATEFUL, because the process doesn’t end there!

Actually being healthy is a LIFE LONG commitment and is made up of conscious decisions to choose better 365 days in the year. Will we always get it right? No.

Will the conscious effort be worth it at the end of those 365 days? Absolutely. 

I have heard so many - “What is the point if I have to continuously work at this forever?” 

And to that I say this… 

“The point is - you can either be proactive and take care of yourself now OR you can struggle through a multitude of negative possibilities later on. You can strive to have balance now OR you can hope that you do not fall and break something later. You can start NOW and reap the benefits of a healthy life NOW or you can continue to do whatever you are doing, be unhappy, and stay that way. You can be your best self and have everyone benefit from the overflow OR you can stay the same. Why wouldn't you want to strive for improvement? What is GOOD about nothing changing at all? What is GOOD about your current health situation? What would be BAD if you didn’t change? Is it worth it?”

As for me - I will choose to keep going. I made a commitment to myself 2,555 days ago that this was not just for me and I am sticking with it. Some New Year’s Resolutions really do stick.

Please don’t make the mistake of thinking that it is easy.

KNOW that it is not.

Fight like your health depends on it because it does.

- Coach J.


My fitness “identity crisis”